Ko nozīmē FOB CIF?

Ko nozīmē tulkojumos FOB CIF . .? Ir veel kādi ssaadi apzīmējumi ? Ja ir, varbut var ar tiem kādu izskaidrojumu. Thank you!

neDam (2004-07-07 13:33)      http://www.iccwbo.org/incoterms/faq .asp

Dafniite (2004-07-07 14:01)      FOB FREE ON BOARD (... named port of shipment) Under "F.O.B." or "free on board," the goods are placed on board the ship by the seller at a port of shipment named in the sales agreement. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods is transferred to the buyer when the goods pass the ship`s rail (i.e., off the dock and placed on the ship). The seller pays the cost of loading the goods.

CIF COST, INSURANCE AND FREIGHT (... named port of destination) "CIF" is CFR. with the additional requirement that the seller procure transport insurance against the risk of loss or damage to goods. The seller must contract with the insurer and pay the insurance premium. Insurance is generally more important in international shipping than domestic shipping, because U.S. laws generally hold a common carrier to be liable for lost or damaged goods.

Dafniite (2004-07-07 14:04)      http://www.airkargo.sia.lv/incoterm s2000.htm

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